When will my order be shipped?
We strive for same-day processing on most orders, but please allow up to 2 business days for shipping confirmation, especially during busy periods.
How can I check my order status and order history?
Please sign in to your account to view your orders, status, and tracking. 
Shipping & Delivery
• Orders over $70 receive Free Ground Shipping
• Orders less than $70 require paid Standard Shipping
• Please select  UPS 2nd Day Air, or  UPS Worldwide Saver if you need expedited shipping
Signature required 
All orders over $250 placed on our website will require a signature upon delivery.
How can I cancel or edit my order?
Please include the terms "Cancel" or "Edit" with your order number in the subject line and email hello@maisonsoyenne.com
We will do our best to respond and resolve your request as soon as possible. Due to volume and time differences we cannot guarantee your request can be made before fulfillment.